Smelling Roses
Sitting here relaxing a bit before starting the work day, I was reading some of the many blogs I subscribe to and follow on a regular basis this morning and came across one that listed "7 Ways to Stay Creative". After reading the "ways" I couldn't help but feel two...
Full Time – Entrepreneur or just Good Business?
So here we go! Full Time running my own business! I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a bit scary. Suddenly, after many years of just going to the office and working for someone else, taking home a steady and reliable paycheck..... it's gone. I no longer have that...
Google makes BIG mistake
Fascinating to observe from the outside as companies find their niche, grow into huge companies that everyone looks to for guidance and leadership, then, they get way too big on themselves and stop listening to their clients. So, they...
I’m Frustrated….
I've been thinking about the point of having a blog on the site and have gotten a bit frustrated in the process. Let me explain. I want to share ideas and thoughts with you. That is without question. I enjoy finding out more about companies and individuals who's...
Watch the trends – they’re NOT going away….
I'm going to make this entry short but sweet. Those who know me know that this is not likely. 🙂 I am rather tired of hearing about this 'social media fad'. The connotation around the word 'fad' alone drives me crazy. It's used by people who either do not...
Why Tweet…..?
Before I get into this one I have one simple question..... okay, maybe a couple. * Do you know who Richard Branson is? * Being such and Amazing entrepreneurial success, would you think his insights into business are worth paying attention to? Sure, my questions are...
RIM’s Failure… and slide
Yikes!! Who posts a $235 Million loss in ONE quarter and survives? Really?!?!?! RIM has just managed to do just this and I cannot help but look - as one would at an accident as you pass on the highway. You tend to look at the cars involved and judge what you think...
GOOGLE – What’s wrong….
It's become a way of finding what we need. When we want to know the answer to something or to find a company we "Google it". This author says there is something VERY wrong with Google and it's not a pretty picture. Could it be that the search engine is really in...
Search Engines – need to knows
Yes this is a key area that all clients want to know and have working in their favor. SEO is one of the most key and complex areas when it comes to websites. Not only are the rules always changing and being modified but there are so many steps that need to be used...
Having a Great Job
Feeling unfulfilled at work shouldn't be something you realize months too late, or even years. Consider making an earnest attempt every morning at what the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs told a graduating class at Stanford to do: "When I was 17, I read a quote that went...