I want to share ideas and thoughts with you. That is without question. I enjoy finding out more about companies and individuals who’s sites I visit as it allows me to get to know them beyond the design. I also feel that a blog is an important way to communicate new ideas and thoughts about my business with those who matter most – the clients (you). This is NOT the part that frustrates me. I actually enjoy it as it give me a chance to be in contact with clients and I like that.
The frustrating part is how companies and individuals use blogs as forums to spam and pollute the internet with their own agenda. You will notice that I have ‘comments’ turned off on many of my blog postings. It’s not because I do not want to hear your thoughts. Quite the contrary actually. Good, bad or indifferent I actually care what you have to say. It just seems that every day I have to moderate 2-3 postings that have been placed by someone trying to sell their SEO service or their porn or dating site. I don’t want this sort of garbage on my site. I want real people who want to talk about their thoughts / needs / ideas with entertainment and what they might want to see with and in my shows.
So – that all said – if you would like to share or have and idea etc. please do send via my contact page. Somehow we can work communicating and avoiding these spammers.
… one last thought – to date I have not found a spam filter that catches all that I want. If you know of any – PLEASE send them my way.
Want other info? Send us your suggestion and we'll work on providing a new blog 🙂
Contact iS
Office: 403.630.3409
Mailing Address: 47 Cedarbrook Close SW Calgary, Alberta T2W 5B8